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SourceStack is proud to maintain a comprehensive account of its customer-facing updates.

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4.42.3 - October 4, 2024

  • Improved handling of edge case jobs data sources, where an employer would incorrectly show 0 associated jobs
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.42.2 - September 28, 2024

  • Improved the data coverage of the city, region, and country fields across all datasets
  • Made a further series of small changes to prevent instances of test jobs in the /jobs dataset

4.42.1 - September 20, 2024

  • Substantially improved the company_name data field coverage across datasets
  • Implemented a series of small changes that will improve the data coverage of the post_html, post_full_text, job_name, logo_url, company_description, and company_url fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.42.0 - September 16, 2024

  • Made a series of small changes to prevent instances of test jobs in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that could potentially cause a small number of duplicates associated with one data source in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset

4.41.3 - September 10, 2024

  • Improved the /jobs dataset handling of unusual and incorrectly encoded characters
  • Fixed a bug that affected the formatting of post_apply_url in rare circumstances
  • Improved data coverage and standardization of the linkedin_url field across all datasets
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.41.2 - September 5, 2024

  • Implemented a series of small changes that will improve the data coverage of post_html, post_full_text, company_name, job_name, logo_url, company_description, job_location, region, and country fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that could potentially cause duplicates associated with a data source in the /jobs dataset

4.41.1 - August 31, 2024

  • Fixed a bug that could potentially cause duplicates associated with one data source in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset
  • Improved assignment of region values for jobs which rely on overlapping shortcodes

4.41.0 - August 28, 2024

  • Implemented a series of small changes that will improve the data coverage of post_html, post_full_text, company_name, job_name, logo_url, job_location, region, country, hours, comp_est, and comp_range fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.40.1 - August 25, 2024

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug causing a temporary decrease in the /jobs dataset available size

4.40.0 - August 20, 2024

  • Improved query execution time for all queries
  • Reduced the frequency of timeout related errors in the SourceStack API

4.39.1 - August 14, 2024

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved error response messaging for malformed API calls

4.39.0 - August 9, 2024

  • Overhauled parsing of compensation fields - improving data coverage, fixing several categories of false positives and malformed values, better tolerating uncommon currencies, better standardizing comp_range outputs, and more

4.38.1 - August 7, 2024

  • Improved the data coverage of the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused the values for the post_html field to be incomplete for one data source in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a trio of data-source specific indexing bugs

4.38.0 - August 1, 2024

  • Added the following field to the /jobs dataset - first_indexed
  • Improved the query execution time of many common queries

4.37.1 - July 26, 2024

  • Substantially improved the rate at which new jobs are discovered in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.37.0 - July 20, 2024

  • Improved the /jobs dataset handling of unusual and incorrectly encoded characters
  • Added support for xml_gzip as an export option - contact your account representative for details

4.36.3 - July 16, 2024

  • Fixed a bug that caused the values for the job_location field to be incomplete for one data source in the /jobs dataset

4.36.2 - July 13, 2024

  • Improved the data freshness of records in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a pair of data-source specific indexing bugs

4.36.1 - July 3, 2024

  • Fixed an edge case that caused placeholder jobs from one data source to be indexed
  • Fixed an edge case that caused country field values from one data source to occassionally be incorrect
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.36.0 - July 1, 2024

  • Refactored parsing of city, region, country, all_countries, and job_location across all datasets, solving several categories of bugs which caused incorrect assignment
  • Improved data coverage of the region and country fields
  • Improved the cleanliness and standardization of values in the job_location field

4.35.0 - June 24, 2024

  • Fixed an API bug that could cause certain Advanced Filtering queries specifically targeting the field board_url to incorrectly return 0 results
  • Fixed a webapp bug that could cause the Bookmark Query functionality to generate incorrectly truncated urls when certain Advanced Filtering values were present
  • Slighly improved the data coverage of the company_name and country fields
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.34.1 - June 17, 2024

  • Fixed a rare bug where the post_html value for some jobs would have a malformed opening tag
  • Improved the standardization of the job_name field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.34.0 - June 12, 2024

  • Substantially improved handling of malformed company_name values across the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.33.7 - May 30, 2024

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the data coverage rate for the post_apply_url field

4.33.6 - May 23, 2024

  • Improved the data freshness of records in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a series of small bugs that caused some employers to incorrectly show 0 active jobs
  • Fixed a series of small bugs that caused some company_name values to be incorrectly formatted
  • Fixed a bug that affected the formatting of hero_video_url in a small number of records in the /jobs datset
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the value for postal_code to a be a stringified NULL

4.33.5 - May 17, 2024

  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.33.4 - May 10, 2024

  • Improved the data coverage of the fields all_countries, comp_est, comp_range, comp_raw_list, currencies, job_published_at, job_expires_at, city, region, and country in the /jobs datset

4.33.3 - May 6, 2024

  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused a small number of records in the /jobs dataset to have a value for the job_published_at field in the future
  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused a small number of records in the /jobs dataset to have an incorrectly assigned city and/or country value
  • Fixed a bug that caused a malformed company_domain value in the /jobs dataset in rare circumstances

4.33.2 - April 30, 2024

  • Substantially improved the data coverage of the region and country field in the /jobs dataset, particularly for jobs located in the United States
  • Slightly improved the data coverage of the job_location and comp_est fields in the /jobs dataset

4.33.1 - April 26, 2024

  • Substantially improved the data coverage of the job_published_at field in the /jobs dataset, particularly for jobs located in the United States and the United Kingdom
  • Slightly improved the data coverage of the hours and remote fields in the /jobs dataset

4.33.0 - April 20, 2024

  • Substantially improved the data freshness of records in the /jobs dataset
  • The SourceStack /jobs dataset now discovers and indexes newly-posted jobs more rapidly
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a handful of small bugs that caused a small number of records in the /jobs dataset to incorrectly not have a value for the post_html field

4.32.3 - April 5, 2024

  • Fixed a bug that caused the post_html for one data source in the /jobs dataset to have the wrong unicode encoding
  • Fixed a bug that could cause non-standard values for the post_url field for one /jobs data source

4.32.2 - March 31, 2024

  • Improved data coverage for the city, region, postal_code, logo_url, hours, job_updated_at, job_published_at, job_expires_at, currencies, author, keywords, education, founded_dt, and founded_year fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage for the company_name, city, region, postal_code, logo_url, currencies, author, keywords, founded_dt, and founded_year fields in the /companies dataset
  • Improved the standardization of the linkedin_url and facebook_url fields across datasets

4.32.1 - March 27, 2024

  • Improved the standardization of the job_name and company_name fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that could cause non-standard values for the post_url field for one /jobs data source

4.32.0 - March 24, 2024

  • Added the field board_source to the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.31.0 - March 17, 2024

  • Overhauled the post_html and post_full_text parsing, improving the cleanliness, standardization, and filterability of a meaningful number of records in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug where the post_html value for some jobs would not have an opening and closing tag
  • Improved the removal rate for jobs that are not intended for public audiences
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.30.3 - March 11, 2024

  • Made several improvements to the comp parsing in the /jobs dataset, improving the data coverage for comp_est and comp_range and improving the annual-time standardization of the comp_est field
  • Fixed a bug that caused non-standard values for the currencies field to occasionally occur in the /jobs and /companies datasets
  • Improved the data coverage rate for the currencies field across datasets
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.30.2 - March 7, 2024

  • Improved the standardization of the linkedin_url field across datasets
  • Slightly improved the data coverage rate for the datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) across datasets
  • Substantially improved the data freshness of records in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.30.1 - March 3, 2024

  • Improved the data coverage rate for the post_apply_url field
  • Slightly improved the data coverage rate and overall standardization for the company_name, logo_url, hero_image_url, and job_location fields in the /jobs dataset

4.30.0 - February 29, 2024

  • Substantially improved the data freshness of records in the /jobs dataset

4.29.7 - February 27, 2024

  • Improved the clarity and resolution UX of errors in the SourceStack webapp
  • Improved the SourceStack webapp's handling of very large numbers

4.29.6 - February 19, 2024

  • Improved the data coverage rate of the country field across datasets
  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.29.5 - February 12, 2024

  • Made major strides in reducing cascaded P99 latency of the API
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.29.4 - February 5, 2024

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset. Users can now query a substantially larger number of employers across the globe. Coverage in smaller countries, in particular, has been improved.

4.29.3 - January 30, 2024

  • Fixed a bug affecting the data coverage of the post_html, company_url and logo_url fields for one jobs data source
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.29.2 - January 24, 2024

  • Improved data coverage of the company_name, emails, logo_url, and hero_image_url fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.29.1 - January 16, 2024

  • Improved handling of edge case jobs data sources, where an employer would incorrectly show 0 associated jobs
  • Improved the normalization to annual compensation for the comp_est field in the /jobs dataset
  • Updated and expanded our How To documentation to support recent changes from integration partners

4.29.0 - January 10, 2024

  • Refactored parsing of geographies, improving coverage for many values for the region field, the assignment of ambiguous city values, and reducing the incidence of inaccurate country values

4.28.12 - January 5, 2024

  • Added better detection and error handling of unsupported filter values for boolean type fields
  • Fixed a bug that caused a very small number of malformed comp_est values in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused a very small number of job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset

4.28.11 - December 27, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of duplicates in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.28.10 - December 17, 2023

  • Improved API handling of malformed fields values
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.28.9 - December 11, 2023

  • Fixed a bug with the provisioning of trials for referrals from affiliate partners
  • Fixed a bug that could trigger when mixed types were provided in an Advanced Filtering comma delimited value

4.28.8 - December 3, 2023

  • Updated the documentation for a number of Integration Partners to reflect newly added functionality and counterparty bugs
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.28.7 - November 21, 2023

  • Improved error handling for unusual limit values
  • Improved error handling for requests that contain querystring values of the wrong type
  • Improved error handling for malformed Advanced Filtering values

4.28.6 - November 18, 2023

  • The SourceStack API now properly handles standard url-encoded Advanced Filtering values
  • The downtime of an integration partner has been partially resolved by their team

4.28.5 - November 9, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that affected the data volume of one (different) particular board_platform in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in the /jobs dataset

4.28.4 - November 6, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused requests to the no-cost /quota endpoint to fail
  • Fixed a bug that affected the data volume of one particular board_platform in the /jobs dataset

4.28.3 - October 30, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.28.2 - October 27, 2023

  • Fixed a bug affecting the data freshness in the /jobs dataset
  • The GoFetchJobs integration has several new bugfixes - if you are a current GFJ + SourceStack user, please update to the plugin beta

4.28.1 - October 16, 2023

  • Improved the time-of-day consistency of scheduled exports
  • Improved error reporting of failures in scheduled exports

4.28.0 - October 7, 2023

  • Rebuilt the XML export option, which is now up to 100x faster than before
  • Substantially reduced the incidence of API timeouts with large XML exports
  • Reduced the number of fields in an XML export that require CDATA wrapping, improving read speed
  • Fixed a bug with the XML export where empty fields in an XML import could still have a CDATA wrapping
  • Changed the handling of NULL values in XML exports from <tag> </tag> to the simpler <tag/> syntax

4.27.0 - September 30, 2023

  • Launched GA access to the json_gzip export option
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.26.3 - September 25, 2023

  • Added support to the SourceStack webapp to generate a full API url corresponding to their current filter settings. This will complement the existing JSON export mode, which is just the JSON of the filters parameter
  • Improved data coverage of the datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.26.2 - September 18, 2023

  • Improved data coverage of the country field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.26.1 - September 11, 2023

  • Improved data coverage of the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the fix for the special-characters bug of 4.25.4
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused queries using the special values LAST_1D, LAST_7D, etc to fail

4.26.0 - September 6, 2023

  • Added support for the special values LAST_1D, LAST_2D, LAST_7D, LAST_14D, LAST_30D for datetime fields such as last_indexed and job_published_at
  • Fixed a handful of small bugs affecting the data coverage and standardization of the post_html field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.25.5 - September 3, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in all datasets
  • Improved data coverage of the post_apply_url in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused some job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset

4.25.4 - August 30, 2023

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused certain special characters to occur in XML outputs, causing imports into certain board platforms to fail
  • Improved data coverage for the compensation fields (e.g. comp_est) in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused a very small number of duplicates in the /jobs dataset

4.25.3 - August 24, 2023

  • Slightly improved data coverage for the country field in all datasets
  • Slightly improved data coverage for the city, region, postal_code, logo_url, hours, job_updated_at, job_published_at, job_expires_at, currencies, author, keywords, education, founded_dt, and founded_year fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.25.2 - August 18, 2023

  • Fixed a handful of small bugs relating to specific country <> city pairings
  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused the post_url to be misformatted in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused a small number of duplicates in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the data freshness of the /jobs dataset going forward
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.25.1 - August 11, 2023

  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused the company_name to be misformatted in rare circumstances
  • Fixed a bug that caused unresolvable urls to occur in the logo_url and hero_image_url fields in rare circumstances
  • Improved data coverage and standardization for the comp_est and comp_range fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.25.0 - August 5, 2023

  • Added the post_apply_url field to the /jobs dataset. Note that this field will fall back to the post_url value if the board_platform does not support a dedicated apply url
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.24.1 - July 31, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain special characters to truncate the SourceStack webapp's Bookmark Query urls
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.24.0 - July 23, 2023

  • Substantially improved the execution time of many customer queries
  • Improved handling of nonstandard export values
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.23.4 - July 14, 2023

  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused company_name and job_name coverage to be slightly lower than expected in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.23.3 - July 8, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Our JBoard integration now supports importing the remote field
  • Fixed a bug that caused the linkedin_url field to be malformed in some cases in the /jobs dataset

4.23.2 - June 30, 2023

  • Implemented bugfixes and data coverage expansion for the post_html and post_full_text fields
  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.23.1 - June 20, 2023

  • Improved result size of data queries using NOT_IS_IN, NOT_CONTAINS_ANY, or NOT_CONTAINS_ALL filters
  • Improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in all datasets
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.23.0 - June 12, 2023

  • Added the company_categories field to the /jobs dataset
  • Made several quality of life improvements in the SourceStack webapp, including making the Credits Remaining value much more easily accesible
  • The SourceStack webapp now defaults to Advanced Filtering mode when a bookmark url is not in use
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Credits Used field in the webapp to be inaccurate in some rare circumstances
  • Improved the data coverage of the country field in all datasets
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.22.2 - June 9, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused a comp_est NOT NULL filter to not apply properly
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.22.1 - June 6, 2023

  • Improved data coverage for the city and country fields across all datasets
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.22.0 - June 1, 2023

  • Added the field logo_url_https to the /jobs dataset
  • Improved detection and cleaning of post_html with deeply nested, redundant HTML

4.21.13 - May 29, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in all datasets
  • Improved data coverage of the author field in the /jobs dataset

4.21.12 - May 20, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Substantially improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in all datasets

4.21.11 - May 17, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.21.10 - May 14, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Generally improved the match rate of city, region, and country fields across all datasets
  • Improved the match rate for region values corresponding to the countries of Germany, France, Canada, Australia, and more

4.21.9 - May 9, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the match rate for the countries of Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, Palestine, Belize, and more
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong value to be displayed in the country field when the value should have been United Arab Emirates

4.21.8 - May 6, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Increased the re-index rate of data in the /jobs dataset

4.21.7 - May 4, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused some datetime fields with small approximations to include hours, minutes, and seconds; those values will now end with '00:00:00'
  • Improved the data hygiene and standardization of the company_description field in the /jobs dataset

4.21.6 - April 29, 2023

  • Improved the currency breadth supported by comp_est in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.21.5 - April 24, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused the twitter_url, facebook_url, and linkedin_url fields to be formatted incorrectly in the /jobs dataset for a small subset of jobs
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.21.4 - April 19, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded handling of job posts that are currently active, but are internal to the posting company, and closed to outside applicants

4.21.3 - April 13, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused cities that are also countries (e.g. Hong Kong, Singapore) to not be represented in the city field
  • Fixed a bug that caused some domain and company_domain values to incorrectly contain url encoded characters (e.g. %20)
  • Improved the data coverage and standardization of the company_name field in the /jobs dataset

4.21.2 - April 9, 2023

  • Improved the data coverage and standardization of the region field in the /companies and /jobs datasets
  • Improved the data coverage and standardization of the social url fields - twitter_url, linkedin_url across datasets
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset

4.21.1 - April 6, 2023

  • Added the post_url_https and hero_video_url fields to the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in all datasets

4.21.0 - April 2, 2023

  • Added the job_expires_at field to the /jobs dataset
  • Substantially improved the false positive and false negative rates of the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the cleanliness and standardization of the logo_url field in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the parsing of the hours field
  • Slightly improved the data coverage of the following fields: job_published_at, hours, company_description, hero_image_url, comp_est, city, region, country, postal_code, job_location, department, seniority, currencies, company_name, post_full_text, founded_year, author, job_updated_at

4.20.3 - March 31, 2023

  • Slightly improved the false negative rate for the post_html and post_full_text fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused some job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset

4.20.2 - March 29, 2023

  • Substantially improved the false negative rate and data coverage for the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Generally improved match rate for city, region, and country in the /jobs and /companies datasets
  • Substantially improved the match rate for major metropolises like San Francisco and New York City in the city field in the /jobs and /companies datasets
  • Small improvements to the data cleanliness of the job_location field in the /jobs dataset

4.20.1 - March 26, 2023

  • Improved the standardization of the country field in the /jobs and /companies datasets - values such as 'Nederland' will now be correctly standardized to 'Netherlands'
  • Expanded the data coverage of the comp_range and comp_est fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the false positive and false negative rates for the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the data coverage of the hours field in the /jobs dataset
  • Made several additional improvements to the post_html field, to improve data standardization, cleanliness, reduce false positive, and reduce malformed outputs

4.20.0 - March 22, 2023

  • Added the post_uuid field to the /jobs dataset
  • Substantially improved the cleanliness and standardization of the post_html field in the /jobs dataset
  • Changed the default fields for the /jobs dataset to include city, region, and country
  • Improved API handling of non-standard fields values

4.19.11 - March 16, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused tld to be missing in certain circumstances in the /companies dataset
  • Improved the referral visibility for partners in our Partner Program. Interested in learning more? Visit our application portal

4.19.10 - March 11, 2023

  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of duplicate job posts to appear in the /jobs dataset
  • Recovered from a temporary data-loss incident affecting several days in the /companies dataset

4.19.9 - March 7, 2023

  • Improved API/Webapp error messages for cases when unsupported values are input

4.19.8 - March 3, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the standardization and cleanliness of the company_name field in the /jobs and /companies datasets

4.19.7 - February 28, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Improved the standardization and cleanliness of the post_url field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused stylized quotation marks to cause queries to return false negatives

4.19.6 - February 26, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, founded_dt) in all datasets
  • Fixed a bug that caused some European datetimes to be incorrectly parsed

4.19.5 - February 24, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset
  • Improved the standardization and cleanliness of the post_url field in the /jobs dataset

4.19.4 - February 21, 2023

  • Fixed a bug that caused some job posts that were closed when indexed to not be removed from the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the cleanliness of the job_location field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the city, region, and country fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.19.3 - February 13, 2023

  • Slightly improved data coverage of the job_published_at field in the /jobs dataset
  • Made bugfixes to improve the consistency of the post_html field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.19.2 - February 10, 2023

  • Substantially improved data coverage of the country field in the /jobs dataset
  • Substantially improved the true positive rate for the values United States and United Kingdom in the country field in all datasets
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.19.1 - February 8, 2023

  • Improved coverage of the Video Conferencing and Whitelabel SaaS categories of Products

4.19.0 - February 5, 2023

  • Added support for export=XML
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage in geo fields (e.g. city, region, etc) in the /jobs dataset

4.18.0 - February 2, 2023

  • Made several changes to the SourceStack webapp and API error messages to better support unacceptable inputs/characters

4.17.5 - January 31, 2023

  • Improved coverage of the Testimonial, Video, Social Proof, Reviews, and Job Board categories of Products

4.17.4 - January 29, 2023

  • Improved overall API error handling of reserved characters
  • Improved webapp handling of non-standard inputs
  • Added and updated several error messages to better explain how to resolve them

4.17.3 - January 27, 2023

  • Improved the data coverage of the region and country fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug affecting some values in the city field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug where some posts' social urls (linkedin_url, facebook_url, etc) would default to the social urls of their job board provider

4.17.2 - January 22, 2023

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the data coverage of the hero_image_url field in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. job_published_at, job_created_at etc) in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug affecting some values in the logo_url field in the /jobs dataset

4.17.1 - January 20, 2023

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /companies dataset

4.17.0 - January 14, 2023

  • Fully overhauled compensation parsing in the /jobs dataset - the comp_range and comp_est fields should have somewhat higher true positive match rate, and somewhat lower false positive match rate
  • Improved standardization of values for the comp_est field - among other changes, it is now standardized to annual compensation
  • Fixed a bug that caused comp_est to be inflated by a factor of 100 for certain formats of certain European currencies

4.16.0 - January 7, 2023

  • Fully overhauled geographical parsing across datasets - the city, region, country, and all_countries fields should have substantially higher true positive match rate, and somewhat lower false positive match rate
  • Improved standardization of values for the region field
  • Fixed a bug that caused some posts, marked closed when indexed, to be reported as still active

4.15.20 - January 5, 2023

  • Improved coverage of the Recruiting and Whitelabel SaaS categories of Products
  • Fixed a bug that caused some companies to be incorrectly categorized as Apparel & Fashion

4.15.19 - January 2, 2023

  • Added API support for enumerated querystring keys - now {"fields[0]":"company_name", {"fields[1]":"url"} will be correctly interpreted as {"fields": ["company_name", "url"]}. Please note: ordering of fields passed in such a manner cannot be guaranteed in the result
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.15.18 - December 30, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that affected the formatting of a number of post_url values in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the formatting of company_name values in the /jobs dataset

4.15.17 - December 28, 2022

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /skus and /companies datasets

4.15.16 - December 23, 2022

  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - company_name, hours, company domain

4.15.15 - December 19, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved the false negative rate for the company_url field in the /jobs dataset

4.15.14 - December 12, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - job_name, company_name, company_url, and remote

4.15.13 - December 8, 2022

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved coverage of the ATS and Session Recording categories of Products

4.15.12 - December 5, 2022

  • Increased the allowed fields value length in the SourceStack webapp
  • Improved coverage of the Blogging Platforms and Screenshare categories of Products

4.15.11 - December 2, 2022

  • Slightly improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. sku_published_at, sku_created_at, sku_updated_at)
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.15.10 - November 25, 2022

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved the formatting of the company_name field in the /jobs dataset in some cases
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - company_name and remote

4.15.9 - November 20, 2022

  • Added the following fields to the /products dataset - company_legal_name, docs_url, status_url, license_url, changelog_url, webapp_url, chrome_extension_url, app_urls, integration_urls, crunchbase_url, angellist_url, glassdoor_url, employee_range, founded_year, alternate_names and alternate_urls
  • Fixed a bug that caused name= queries to the /products dataset to return a non-descriptive error
  • Separately improved the match rate of name= and url= queries to the /products dataset

4.15.8 - November 15, 2022

  • Improved overall API stability and error handling
  • Fixed a bug that threw a non-descriptive error when a None literal was included in a querystring-encoded Advanced Filtering filter

4.15.7 - November 11, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Improved coverage of the eCom Analytics, ETL as a Service and Event Tracking Platform categories of Products

4.15.6 - November 8, 2022

  • Fixed a bug with export=GSheet where cells with values longer than 50,000 characters (usually job_full_text or post_html) would cause the Google Sheets Write API to fail, causing a user to not receive their query's result
  • All queries are now slightly faster

4.15.5 - November 6, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Added the following fields to the /jobs dataset - hero_image_url and favicon_url

4.15.4 - November 4, 2022

  • Added the following fields to the /jobs dataset - reddit_url and angellist_url
  • Fixed a bug affecting the de-duplicatability of the facebook_url field
  • Fixed a bug affecting the formatting of the favicon_url field
  • Fixed several edge-case false-positive values for linkedin_url and twitter_url fields

4.15.3 - November 2, 2022

  • Added native support for decoding encoded urls - e.g. will be processed as bar

4.15.2 - November 1, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset

4.15.1 - October 29, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Added the following field to the /jobs dataset - author
  • Fixed a bug affecting the structure of board_url for a small subset of rows in the /jobs dataset during October
  • Fixed a separate bug affecting the structure of company_domain for a small subset of rows in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - company_name, company_url, favicon_url, emails, department, hours

4.15.0 - October 26, 2022

  • Added the following fields to the /companies dataset - employee_range, revenue_range, comparables, office_locations, stock_ticker, and hero_video_url
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /companies dataset - company_name, founded_year, description, logo_url, twitter_url, linkedin_url, youtube_url, facebook_url, instagram_url, glassdoor_url, pinterest_url, hero_image_url, city, region, country, and all_countries

4.14.16 - October 24, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.14.15 - October 23, 2022

  • Improved the false positive rate for data in the company_url field in the /jobs dataset

4.14.14 - October 22, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused the seniority value Intern to be incorrectly applied in some cases

4.14.13 - October 20, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of duplicates in the /jobs dataset
  • Added the Fleet Management category of Products
  • Improved coverage of the Quizzes and ATS categories of Products

4.14.12 - October 16, 2022

  • Improved API error handling of atypical querystring formats
  • Improved API error handling of duplicate fields in an Advanced Filtering query (it is allowed, but generally discouraged)

4.14.11 - October 14, 2022

  • Looking to write SourceStack data to your Wordpress site? Try this repo

4.14.10 - October 11, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused malformed formatting for twitter_url in some rare cases
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - company_url and company_description

4.14.9 - October 7, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the use of the NULL special filtering value with url type columns
  • Fixed a pair of bugs that affected the formatting of logo_url and favicon_url
  • Removed some rarely-occurring incorrect social urls in the /companies and /jobs datasets - twitter_url, facebook_url, etc
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - logo_url and remote

4.14.8 - October 3, 2022

  • Substantially improved data coverage for social urls in the /jobs dataset - linkedin_url, twitter_url, youtube_url, instagram_url, facebook_url, tiktok_url, pinterest_url, github_url, crunchbase_url, and glassdoor_url
  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - company_name
  • Slightly improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - emails, company_url, job_location, hours, and job_full_text

4.14.7 - September 27, 2022

  • Improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - city, company_url, region, country, postal_code, logo_url, company_name, company_legal_name, hours, job_name, currencies, language, job_description, emails, phones, remote, job_published_at, and job_updated_at
  • Slightly improved data coverage for the following fields in the /jobs dataset - linkedin_url, twitter_url, youtube_url, instagram_url, facebook_url, tiktok_url, pinterest_url, github_url, and angellist_url

4.14.6 - September 23, 2022

  • Added the following fields to the /jobs dataset - crunchbase_url and glassdoor_url
  • Fixed a rare bug where an anchor ( in a post_url could cause duplicates in the /jobs dataset

4.14.5 - September 18, 2022

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.14.4 - September 14, 2022

  • The SourceStack credit discount for /skus data has been decreased from 0.2 to 0.5. Existing paid customers will have their discount grandfathered in.

4.14.3 - September 11, 2022

  • Slightly improved data coverage of the region and country fields across all datasets
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the company_url, company_description, and logo_url, fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug pertaining to accented letters causing a small number of duplicates in the /jobs dataset
  • Added custom error handling for query filters with a url type column that had no urls in the filter value

4.14.2 - September 9, 2022

  • Substantially improved data coverage of the company_url and logo_url fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the emails, company_name, and linkedin_url fields in the /jobs dataset

4.14.1 - September 7, 2022

  • Slightly improved data coverage of the company_url, logo_url, company_name, linkedin_url, facebook_url, twitter_url, hours, comp_range, and comp_est fields in the /jobs dataset

4.14.0 - September 4, 2022

  • Added the following fields to the /companies dataset - crunchbase_url, glassdoor_url, changelog_url, webapp_url, and tags_matched_count

4.13.2 - September 1, 2022

  • Substantially improved data coverage of the company_url, logo_url, and company_name fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /companies dataset, with an emphasis on eCommerce stores

4.13.1 - August 31, 2022

  • Updated our claim API key workflow to substantially improve its accessibility

4.13.0 - August 30, 2022

4.12.4 - August 28, 2022

  • Substantially improved data coverage of the logo_url and post_html fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the company_url, department, and remote fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that caused a small number of entries in the /jobs dataset have NULL values in most fields

4.12.3 - August 25, 2022

  • Increased the limit of Advanced Filtering comma delimited values sent via POST or the webapp from 400 to 10,000

4.12.2 - August 22, 2022

  • Added customization to the API error messages for Advanced Filtering query with an unsupported comma delimited value combination
  • Fixed a bug that allowed unsupported Advanced Filtering operators to be used with NULL value
  • Fixed a bug that allowed comma delimited values to be used with boolean fields
  • Fixed a bug that allowed unsupported combination of GLYPH value and non-string field types

4.12.1 - August 21, 2022

  • Improved support for complex urls (both single and as a comma delimited value) as the value of Advanced Filtering queries
  • Advanced Filtering queries now tolerate unintentional duplicates in comma delimited values

4.12.0 - August 20, 2022

  • Launched GA access to the post_html, comp_range, and comp_est fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Added the following JOIN'd fields to the /jobs dataset - tranco_rank and domcop_rank

4.11.10 - August 14, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that caused single-item fields values with a trailing comma to be rejected
  • Fixed a small bug in the priority order of hours values

4.11.9 - August 8, 2022

  • Improved data coverage of the company_url, linkedin_url, education, seniority, and hours fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Added Trainee, Commission, and Student as possible hours values

4.11.8 - August 3, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that affected Advanced Filtering Queries with the operator CONTAINS_ALL or CONTAINS_ANY and a single item value

4.11.7 - August 1, 2022

  • Added the following categories - Huntin & Fishin, Computer Networking, Research, RetailTech, SalesTech, Videos, Shipping & Delivery, Network Infrastructure
  • Renamed the category Oil & Energy to Oil & Gas
  • Expanded data coverage of the following categories - Local Services, MarTech, CleanTech, Renewables, Solar Energy, Wind Energy

4.11.6 - July 28, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that caused comma delimited inputs with one or more empty strings mixed in them to be rejected
  • Fixed a bug that caused very long urls input values to return a 502 status_code

4.11.5 - July 25, 2022

4.11.4 - July 23, 2022

  • Added the Notarization category of Products
  • Expanded coverage of the eSignature, Contract Management, Returns, and SMS Marketing categories of Products

4.11.3 - July 20, 2022

  • Improved the standardization of the company_name and title fields across all datasets
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /companies dataset

4.11.2 - July 18, 2022

  • Added custom error handling for unsupported Advanced Filtering Operators used in combination with a datetime_str column
  • Fixed a bug that would cause certain fields types to be incorrectly rejected

4.11.1 - July 16, 2022

  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset (though the overall number of job posts tracked has declined slightly as tech companies tracked have slowed their hiring)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause requests with a response size between 6 MB and 6 MiB specifically to fail
  • Fixed a bug that caused requests that had timed out to return the wrong error code

4.11.0 - June 30, 2022

4.10.5 - June 26, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that caused the confirmation email for new customers to not be sent

4.10.4 - June 23, 2022

  • Expanded coverage of the Affiliate Management, Video Analytics, AV Player, and Session Recording categories of Products
  • Added the Contract Management category of Products
  • Updated some Products which had been acquired or reorganized to reflect new ownership

4.10.3 - June 19, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that caused some malformed Advanced Filtering requests to return status_code 500 instead of 422
  • Fixed a bug that caused commas in numerical Advanced Filtering values to throw an error in some circumstances
  • Improved the SourceStack webapp's tolerance for malformed Advanced Filtering value arrays

4.10.2 - June 8, 2022

  • Added support for completely random ordering of results - order_by=RANDOM

4.10.1 - May 26, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that could cause duplicates in the /skus dataset if the store domain changed after the first_indexed date

4.10.0 - May 24, 2022

  • Added support for CONTAINS_ANY, NOT_CONTAINS_ANY, CONTAINS_ALL, NOT_CONTAINS_ALL operators for Advanced Filtering queries
  • The CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators are now deprecated - requesting them will fallback to CONTAINS_ANY and NOT_CONTAINS_ANY respectively (the behavior is the same)
  • Updated the SourceStack webapp user interface to better accommodate large queries

4.9.6 - May 22, 2022

  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /companies dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset

4.9.5 - May 21, 2022

  • Added Talent Management, Branding, Copywriting, Web Optimization, Performance Marketing, Tutoring, and Media Services categories of companies
  • Expanded data coverage of dozens of existing categories of companies
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the country field in the /companies dataset

4.9.4 - May 18, 2022

  • Expanded coverage of the Helpdesk, Call Tracking, Call Center Tools categories of Products
  • Improved the error handling for Advanced Filtering queries with malformed IN and NOT_IN filter values
  • Improved the error handling for API queries with malformed datetime string search_param values
  • Improved the error handling for API queries with too many values in a non filters search_param

4.9.3 - May 16, 2022

  • Added multi-filter support for Query Bookmarking of Advanced Filtering queries in the SourceStack webapp
  • Improved the error handling for API queries with more than one search_param

4.9.2 - May 15, 2022

  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of the company_url field in the /jobs dataset

4.9.1 - May 10, 2022

  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset

4.9.0 - May 3, 2022

  • Added the following fields to the /skus dataset - store_first_indexed, store_last_indexed, is_active, sku_rank
  • Substantially expanded the breadth of the /skus dataset
  • Substantially improved the latency of url-specific queries to the /skus dataset (exact=False only)

4.8.1 - April 30, 2022

  • Substantially improved the latency of url-specific queries to the /companies dataset

4.8.0 - April 28, 2022

  • Added the following aggregated job post fields to the /companies dataset - hiring_remotely, open_job_count, open_job_names, open_job_departments, open_job_educations, open_job_seniorities, open_job_tags_matched, open_job_tag_categories, all_countries
  • Added tranco_rank (Top 1 Million Sites) and domcop_rank (Top 10 Million Sites) fields to the /companies dataset
  • Improved data coverage of 18 fields in the /companies dataset

4.7.3 - April 26, 2022

  • Added the fields company_legal_name, currencies, board_platform to the /jobs database
  • Fixed a bug that caused the hero_image_url field to have worse-than-expected data coverage

4.7.2 - April 25, 2022

  • Substantially expanded coverage of Surveys category of Products
  • Improved the standardization of the values for the city field in the /companies and /jobs datasets
  • Slightly improved data coverage in the remote field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a pair of small edge-case bugs that would rarely affect the formatting of values for the addresses field and most _url fields in the /companies dataset

4.7.1 - April 22, 2022

  • Updated the SourceStack Services Subscription Agreement, located at
  • Fixed a bug with the SourceStack webapp where empty query filters were not compatible with Query Bookmarking
  • Fixed a bug with the SourceStack webapp where the Credits Used counter didn't reset on subsequent queries with an incomplete search param/filter

4.7.0 - April 19, 2022

  • Added the ability to filter on - and retrieve data from - the job_full_text field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug with the SourceStack webapp where the default fields placeholder would not update when switching endpoints in Advanced Filtering mode

4.6.0 - April 17, 2022

  • Slightly modified the logic for which entries are included in the companies dataset; count_only totals may be up to ±3% from pre-change totals
  • Fixed a bug with the /companies dataset where querying with url + exact would sometimes return no rows found (false negative)

4.5.8 - April 13, 2022

  • Substantially improved the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage in the hours field in the /jobs dataset

4.5.7 - April 12, 2022

  • Fixed an enqueueing bug that caused some medium-size companies to not be indexed at all
  • Fixed a bug with the webapp Query Bookmarking that caused the endpoint for Advanced Filtering requests to not be set as intended

4.5.6 - April 9, 2022

  • Improved the true positive rate of status_code 310 and 410 sites (Holding Page) in the companies dataset
  • Added the Course Creation category of Products
  • Substantially expanded coverage of Podcasting category of Products

4.5.5 - April 8, 2022

  • Substantially improved data coverage in the company_url and remote fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage in the company_name and logo_url fields in the /jobs dataset

4.5.4 - April 4, 2022

  • Improved API handling of misspelled fields and querystring params across every dataset and workflow
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the /quota API to temporarily be unavailable for customers

4.5.3 - March 31, 2022

  • Added support for Advanced Filtering conditions where array fields are or are not empty
    • For example: [{"field":"emails","operator":"EQUALS","value":"NULL"}]
  • Improved discoverability of the default fields in the webapp
  • Improved error message quick-link usability in the webapp
  • Fixed a bug with endpoints changing when toggling Advanced Filtering in the webapp

4.5.2 - March 27, 2022

  • Consolidated duplicate /products entries, where (e.g.) a now-acquired product was listed under both the original company and the acquirer
  • Expanded support for detecting General Analytics, Identity Verification Products
  • Added Privacy as a Service and Moderation as a Service categories of Products

4.5.1 - March 20, 2022

  • Substantially improved webapp query bookmarking - now fully dynamic
  • Improved webapp error handling

4.5.0 - March 16, 2022

  • Performance of many queries is now slightly faster
  • Queries with exact=False set will now tolerate optional internal spaces
    • For example, a query on the /products dataset of name=Big Query will correctly return the product BigQuery.

4.4.0 - March 10, 2022

  • Data in the /jobs dataset is now pre-enriched by matching records from the /companies dataset by default
  • The following fields now have substantially improved data coverage: logo_url, company_name, addresses, all_countries, linkedin_url, twitter_url, youtube_url, instagram_url, facebook_url, tiktok_url, pinterest_url, github_url, categories, phones, emails
  • The following fields have now been added (to the /jobs dataset): founded_year, founded_dt, company_description, contact_url, about_url, docs_url, keywords, alexa_rank, majestic_rank, umbrella_rank

4.3.7 - February 27, 2022

  • SourceStack now returns the status_code 402 when a user does not have sufficient credits for a given query
  • Advanced Filtering queries will now tolerate certain typos in the names of fields
  • The SourceStack API will now return a specific error when more than 1 search_param is provided

4.3.6 - February 18, 2022

  • Improved error handling of nonstandard API querystring inputs - for example, an integer in a boolean field
  • Improved error handling for requests that specify a nonstandard listing of fields
  • Updated the /fields docs to include exhaustive lists of the values for seniority and education for the /jobs dataset
  • Made several small copy and in-console logging changes to the SourceStack webapp to improve usability, per feedback from user testing

4.3.5 - February 12, 2022

  • Increased the daily rate limit for Startup and Scaling Tier customers from 300 to 500

4.3.4 - February 9, 2022

  • Improved data coverage in the hours field in the /jobs dataset

4.3.3 - February 2, 2022

  • Fixed a bug with the webapp that caused some categories= queries to incorrectly return 0 results
  • Fixed a bug with webapp query bookmarking that caused some urls to not default to the previous export option

4.3.2 - January 28, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that caused some /jobs entries to have their seniority be mis-categorized
  • Fixed a bug that caused some /jobs entries to have both city and region values in the city field

4.3.1 - January 18, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the /categories no-cost endpoint to inaccurately return 0 results (false negative)

4.3.0 - January 15, 2022

  • Added customized API and webapp error handling that suggests the closest field, operator, and/or query parameter(s) when the input is invalid

4.2.5 - January 11, 2022

  • Improved on-site search speed and result quality
  • Improved webapp compatibility with older browsers (Chrome 49+, Firefox 53+, etc)
  • Slightly improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. sku_published_at, sku_created_at, sku_updated_at)

4.2.4 - January 8, 2022

  • Fixed a parsing bug that caused some /jobs results to inaccurately not be labeled remote=True (false negative)
  • Fixed a minor bug affecting the endpoint saved by the query bookmarking feature in the SourceStack webapp for Advanced Filtering queries

4.2.3 - January 3, 2022

  • Fixed an enqueueing bug that was unintentionally limiting the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.2.2 - December 27, 2021

  • Fixed an enqueueing bug that caused some companies to be indexed less frequently than intended
  • Added error handling for requests including duplicates in comma delimited urls - for example:,,
  • Updates to the matching criteria for the categories Vegan & Vegetarian, Meat Alternatives, Milk Alternatives

4.2.1 - December 19, 2021

  • Substantially improved the breadth of the /jobs dataset

4.2.0 - December 8, 2021

  • Launched query bookmarking in the SourceStack webapp. Use the settings toggle to export the webapp or API url for sharing with others or saving the parameters for later

4.1.0 - November 14, 2021

  • Substantially improved the breadth of the /companies dataset

4.0.2 - November 11, 2021

  • The API will now more gracefully handle some search_params (like uses_product) passed as Fields in an Advanced Filtering Query
  • Updated the copy of 5 error messages provided by the SourceStack API to include specifics on impermissible param combinations and links to relevant documentation

4.0.1 - November 2, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that caused comma delimited values provided in an Advanced Filtering query to be unnecessarily rejected if the comma was not immediately followed by a space
  • The API will now more gracefully handle some non-standard search_params values, such as misspelled export values and malformed limit values

4.0.0 - October 12, 2021

  • BREAKING CHANGE: array type fields will no longer tolerate EQUALS queries in Advanced Filtering mode (use CONTAINS instead). We found it was a common cause of user error, and no customer has (as of yet) had a usecase that required exactly one value to be present in an array column. If your business requires this type of filtering, please contact your account representative

3.3.1 - October 8, 2021

  • Fixed a bug in the Sourcestack webapp where the status_code would not populate in the sidebar if a query was the first in the user's session and had failed
  • The API will now more gracefully handle malformed JSON passed in Advanced Filtering POST requests

3.3.0 - October 1, 2021

  • Substantially improved the SourceStack webapp's prefill functionality, including adding prefill support for Advanced Filtering
  • Improved the Add Filter functionality in the SourceStack webapp
  • Clarified the copy of some error messages in the SourceStack webapp

3.2.3 - September 29, 2021

  • Substantially improved coverage of startups in the /companies dataset

3.2.2 - September 24, 2021

  • Improved coverage of Subscription Billing products in the /products dataset
  • Added a handful of new /companies categories

3.2.1 - September 13, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that caused multiple duplicate emails to be sent during the onboarding process

3.2.0 - August 27, 2021

  • The cadence of customer-facing updates will be temporarily lower as we invest in backend optimization and observability. Thank you for your patience!

3.1.6 - August 21, 2021

  • Improved data coverage for the country field
  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset

3.1.5 - August 17, 2021

  • Expanded the breadth of the /jobs dataset
  • Slightly expanded the breadth of the /companies dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage for the job_location, hours, department, and currencies fields across all datasets

3.1.4 - August 13, 2021

  • Updated the spelling/capitalization of several hundred SaaS /products - for example, Toutapp is now correctly ToutApp
  • Updated the parent company of 28 SaaS companies that have since been acquired
  • Improved the data coverage of the categories field in the /companies dataset
  • Fixed bugs that caused a small number of results in the company_name and emails fields to be mis-formatted

3.1.3 - August 9, 2021

  • Fixed a bug in the SourceStack webapp that caused the settings sidebar to become cropped after some queries
  • Improved the UX of using keyboard shortcuts with the SourceStack webapp (CMD+ENTER to send the query)
  • Clarified the copy of most of the options in the SourceStack webapp
  • Improved the false positive rate for data in the company_name field across datasets

3.1.2 - August 5, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that caused the SOURCESTACK-REQUEST-ID header to not be included in some status_code 422 responses
  • Standardized the response fields for requests with 0 rows found and export other than caller
  • Added clarification to the message text for requests with 0 rows found and exact=True
  • Added clarification to the message text for requests with count_only=True and export other than caller
  • Added clarification to the message text for requests with duplicate values in their fields param (ex: fields=url,company_name,url)
  • Added clarification to the message text for POST requests without the Content-Type application/json header

3.1.1 - August 2, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that caused logo_url to have non-standard formatting at times
  • Fixed a parsing bug that caused some inaccurate values for founded_year to be returned
  • Added the following /companies categories - Meat Alternatives, Milk Alternatives, Synthetic Biology

3.1.0 - July 29, 2021

  • Initial release of the following fields in the /companies dataset:
Endpoint Field Type Example
/companies status_url string
/companies license_url string
/companies referral_url string
/companies twitch_url string
/companies vimeo_url string
/companies discord_url string
/companies whatsapp_url string
/companies telegram_url string
/companies news_urls array [,]
/companies comparison_urls array []
/companies integration_urls array []

3.0.0 - July 27, 2021

  • Initial release of the Advanced Filtering mode in the SourceStack webapp - contact your account representative for access
  • The following SourceStack API endpoints - /companies, /skus, /products, /jobs, /categories - now accept POST requests with the Content-Type: application/json header
  • The SourceStack queries Postman Collection now includes a dozen Advanced Filtering examples
  • After a significant refactor, queries to the /skus endpoint are now 62.3% faster, on average
  • Initial release for the /skus dataset of the following fields: [tld, company_name, company_categories, company_description, company_title, language, country, currencies, logo_url]
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Incompatible changes were made to some field names. They are as follows:
Endpoint Old New
/skus variant_skus variant_handles
/skus variant_highest_price highest_variant_price
/companies customers_urls customer_urls
/companies chrome_extension chrome_extension_url

2.8.15 - July 25, 2021

  • Slightly improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. sku_published_at, sku_created_at, sku_updated_at)
  • Improved the true positive rate of status_code 310 sites (Holding Page) in the companies dataset

2.8.14 - July 23, 2021

  • We are now reachable by phone! Call or text (415-212-9604) to talk with a member of our team
  • Slightly improved data coverage of all /companies and /jobs fields

2.8.13 - July 20, 2021

  • Significantly improved the data cleanliness in the addresses and company_name fields
  • Fixed a bug that was causing duplicate values to occasionally be present in queries to the /skus dataset
  • Fixed a bug that was causing sku_count and sku_vendor_count to be lower than expected in the /companies dataset

2.8.12 - July 16, 2021

  • Expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of all /companies fields
  • Added support for first_indexed in the /jobs dataset going back to March 2020

2.8.11 - July 10, 2021

  • Updated the onboarding flow - new customers should now get their credentials and a receipt seconds after purchasing
  • Improved data coverage of SaaS product use in the Static Site Builder and Search as a Service categories

2.8.10 - July 6, 2021

  • Improved the usability of the SourceStack webapp on mobile devices

2.8.9 - July 1, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that broke the formatting of the Pricing and Contact pages for Safari users

2.8.8 - June 25, 2021

  • Streamlined the checkout flow of our pricing page
  • Launched a publicly available FAQ
  • Fixed a pair of bugs wherein jobs_url and blog_url would return None instead of the standard empty string ""
  • Improved data coverage of SaaS product use in the Payments category

2.8.7 - June 21, 2021

  • Improved data coverage in the founded_year and phones fields
  • Updated and made our Terms of Service publicly viewable for non-customers

2.8.6 - June 19, 2021

  • Continued to expand the data coverage in social_url fields (e.g. facebook_url, linkedin_url)
  • Fixed a bug that was allowing nonstandard 2 character country codes in the country field (an exhaustive list of accepted country fields is here)
  • Fixed a bug that caused a lack of internal spaces in the h1 field

2.8.5 - June 16, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that broke the rendering of the homepage when a user followed a particular navigation path
  • Continued to expand the data coverage in _url fields (e.g. jobs_url, affiliate_url, login_url)
  • Improved data coverage in the founded_year and emails fields
  • Added Job Board and Weight Loss as /companies categories

2.8.4 - June 12, 2021

  • Added a Contact page - feel free to say hello
  • Added a Business Opt Out page for businesses who so choose to be permanently removed from SourceStack data

2.8.3 - June 8, 2021

  • Added Personal CRM and Channel & Partner Management as /products categories and a dozen matching products
  • Slightly improved data coverage in _url fields (e.g. jobs_url, affiliate_url, login_url)

2.8.2 - June 5, 2021

  • Deployed several bugfixes for formatting errors in the SourceStack webapp
  • Implemented a dozen or so copy and formatting tweaks across the Docs and webapp
  • Added support to query the /jobs dataset on post_url by adding exact=True

2.8.1 - June 2, 2021

  • Significantly expanded the breadth of the /companies dataset
  • Updated the Docs to more accurately reflect the behavior of GREATER_THAN and LESS_THAN with str-type columns. Using GREATER_THAN with a str col will return entries AFTER the value alphabetically
  • Updated the Docs to more accurately reflect the behavior of EQUALS with array-type columns. Using EQUALS with an array col will ONLY return entries with one-item arrays with that value, not every entry with that value in the array
  • Removed the ability to add NOT_EQUALS filters on array-type columns, as the behavior was frequently causing confusion

2.8.0 - May 25, 2021

  • Initial release of the SourceStack webapp - contact your account representative for access
  • Rearranged the url schema of much of the site - old url slugs should 301 redirect to the new ones
  • Added No Code as a /companies category

2.7.0 - May 21, 2021

  • Enabled Transfer Acceleration on results generated by export=s3_csv; files will now download up to 7x faster
  • Fixed a security vulnerability that a motivated adversary could have used to access result CSVs before they are automatically deleted after 24 hours
  • Modified the message returned by export=s3_csv, export=gsheet, and export=airtable, so the url will now only be included in the link key:value pair

2.6.0 - May 19, 2021

  • Initial release of non-200 status_code entries in the /companies dataset. They are as follows:
    • 310 - SaaS specific Holding Page - Shopify Holding Page, BigCommerce Holding Page etc
    • 311 - URL redirects to a social network page - Twitter, Twitch, Calendly, etc
    • 312 - URL redirects to an ecommerce marketplace page - Amazon, Gumroad, Etsy, etc
    • 313 - URL redirects to a standalone Landing Page builder page - Carrd, Notion, etc
    • 410 - Domain Registrar specific Holding Page - GoDaddy Holding Page, HugeDomains Holding Page, etc
  • Accordingly, the breadth of the /companies dataset has increased
  • Initial release of the tld field in the /companies dataset
  • Added support for identifying IPv4 and IPv6 as tld values
  • Slightly improved latency of all dataset queries

2.5.1 - May 17, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that could cause less-recent indexes of entries be returned instead of the most up-to-date record in the /companies dataset
  • Fixed a separate bug that caused Unix timestamps to not be recognized as an Advanced Filtering (filters=) option
  • Added 8 new and merged several dozen duplicative tag_categories values for /products

2.5.0 - May 15, 2021

  • Initial release of the founded_year, founded_dt, reddit_url, angellist_url, customers_urls, affiliate_url, and login_url fields in /companies dataset
  • Expanded detection of websites that are Holding Pages (status_code 310, 311, 312, 313 and 410)
  • Scaled up /companies processing throughput significantly
  • Improved /skus processing logic to more frequently index stores with many SKUs
  • Slightly improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. sku_published_at, sku_created_at, sku_updated_at)

2.4.11 - May 11, 2021

  • Added additional standardization and data cleaning to values in the keywords field in the /companies dataset
  • Fixed a bug that could cause company_name to be truncated occasionally in the /companies dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of dozens of fields in the /jobs and /companies datasets
  • Improved the false negative rate in the addresses field

2.4.10 - May 9, 2021

  • Some domains will now have significantly better data coverage and depth of the tags_matched and tag_categories fields in the /companies dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the docs_url and support_url fields in the /companies dataset
  • Slightly improved data coverage of a dozen or so fields in the /jobs dataset

2.4.9 - May 5, 2021

  • Initial release of compensation fields - comp_est and comp_range in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage and depth of the categories field in the /companies dataset
  • Fixed a bug that was causing values for phones to be incorrectly formatted occasionally

2.4.8 - May 1, 2021

  • Expanded the breadth of the jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the logo_url, currencies, hours, city, region, and country fields in the /jobs dataset

2.4.7 - April 28, 2021

  • Expanded the breadth of the companies dataset
  • Significantly expanded /products / tags_matched coverage of Advertising, Holding Page, and Timeseries Database SaaS products
  • Updated the tag_categories values for some Carts and Holding Page products that were missing the appropriate category

2.4.6 - April 27, 2021

  • Improved the positive match rate when querying with the url= search_param in the /companies dataset
  • Improved data coverage in datetime fields (e.g. sku_published_at, sku_created_at, sku_updated_at)
  • Minor improvements to data coverage across dozens of fields in the /companies and /jobs datasets

2.4.5 - April 21, 2021

  • Backend enqueuing logic has been improved to more frequently crawl high priority domains
  • Improved data coverage of logo_url, currencies, phones, and social_urls (facebook_url, pinterest_url, etc) fields in the /companies dataset
  • Improved data coverage of sku_weight and images fields in the /skus dataset
  • Fixed a bug wherein one of the values in the phones array could be nonstandard (i.e. have non-digit characters)

2.4.4 - April 15, 2021

  • Unsuccessful url= lookups on the /companies dataset will now enqueue the url to be processed; it will then be added to the queryable dataset within 24 hours
  • Improved data coverage and added Grant and Conditional values for the hours field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug that could cause tag_categories to be incorrectly empty in some cases

2.4.3 - April 12, 2021

  • Fixed an enqueuing bug that caused some /skus domains to be crawled less frequently than intended
  • Significantly expanded the /products coverage of Crypto, Accessibility, and Automated Content Generation (e.g. GPT-3) SaaS products
  • You can now access the status_code field on entries in the /companies and /jobs datasets; at present, it will only return 200, as every other status_code is removed from the queryable datasets

2.4.2 - April 10, 2021

  • Initial release of the board_url, page_size, all_countries, linkedin_url, twitter_url, youtube_url, instagram_url, facebook_url, tiktok_url, pinterest_url, and github_url fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed an Advanced Filtering bug where filtering (filters=) on one or more columns being Null was not properly applied
  • Fixed an edge case where addresses would be written as a str, rather than the proper list

2.4.1 - April 8, 2021

  • Initial release of the logo_url, hero_image_url, and all_languages fields in the /companies dataset
  • Fixed a bug causing false negatives in the education field in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage in the emails field in the across all datasets

2.4.0 - April 7, 2021

  • Initial release of the airtable option for the export parameter - you can now write query result data directly to an Airtable table. There is a onetime manual setup step (due to Airtable's API restrictions); please contact your account rep for access.
  • The API will now more gracefully handle an unsupported search_param value (category= and uses_category=) for search_params with a fixed set of Accepted Values

2.3.3 - April 5, 2021

  • Improved handling of encoding errors in string fields
  • Enhanced data coverage of the postal_code field in the /companies dataset
  • Better detection of malformed company_name (e.g. unpopulated JINJA) in every dataset
  • Implemented standardization of favicon_url in the /companies dataset

2.3.2 - April 2, 2021

  • Fixed a bug affecting the use of the language parameter in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed a bug affecting the formatting of the job_description field in the /jobs dataset
  • Fixed an edge case where post_url was returned as None in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the region and country fields in the /jobs dataset
  • Updated the exhaustive list of supported Countries and Regions in the SourceStack Accepted Values Google Sheet

2.3.1 - March 24, 2021

  • Significant increase in /jobs dataset size
  • Initial release of the logo_url field in the /jobs dataset
  • Improved data coverage of the job_published_at field in the /jobs dataset
  • Added additional cleaning and standardization of company_name data in the /jobs dataset

2.3.0 - March 20, 2021

  • Initial release of the /categories dataset and corresponding endpoint

2.2.6 - March 18, 2021

  • Updated the Postman Collection queries to make them more standard and with a gentler learning curve
  • Updated the exhaustive list of supported Categories in the SourceStack Accepted Values Google Sheet

2.2.5 - March 16, 2021

  • Fixed a bug with the fields= parameter not recognizing certain combinations of fields in the /companies dataset
  • Fixed a separate bug allowing duplicate fields to be requested

2.2.4 - March 15, 2021

  • Added support for Count_Only in combination with Advanced Filtering (filters)

2.2.3 - March 11, 2021

  • Resolved an edge case of periodic high latency related to a scheduled cronjob
  • Improved the tolerance of filters for various typos

2.2.2 - March 6, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where some array fields were improperly formatted in the response object
  • Fixed a separate bug where some int fields were cast as strings in the response object

2.2.1 - March 1, 2021

  • Initial release of the X-SOURCESTACK-REQUEST-ID header; use this value in communications with our team if you believe there is an error in a request's response data
  • Shipped a handful of small bugfixes for filters edge cases

2.2.0 - February 22, 2021

  • Initial release of filters parameter - accordingly, support for multiple query conditions is now live
  • Initial release of first_indexed field

2.1.2 - February 16, 2021

  • Renamed posted_at field to job_published_at and created_at to job_created_at in /jobs data
  • Improved data coverage of the city, region, country, categories, language, job_description, last_modified, job_published_at, and job_created_at fields in /jobs data
  • Standardized response values for seniority, hours, region, country, and language fields in /jobs data
  • Initial release of postal_code field in /jobs data
  • Initial release of sku_description field in /skus data
  • Roughly doubled the breadth of /jobs data

2.1.1 - February 11, 2021

  • Initial release of shipping_url, returns_url, faq_url, blog_url, support_url, and terms_url fields
  • Improved data coverage of the currencies, city, and country fields in /companies data

2.1.0 - February 8, 2021

  • Initial release of order_by parameter
  • Initial release of urls parameter capability - passing a comma delimited string of multiple urls
  • Fixed a pair of visual bugs on the website itself
  • Implemented a few small quality-of-life changes to request rate limiting

2.0.1 - February 4, 2021

  • Made small updates to the docs to modernize out-of-date queries
  • Added better error reporting for typos in the fields param value
  • Fixed a bug affecting the formatting of twitter_url
  • Implemented a second layer of fallbacks to prevent 413 failures; they should now be exceedingly rare

2.0.0 - February 2, 2021

  • Breaking, incompatible changes were made to some field names. They are as follows:
Endpoint Old New
/companies product_count sku_count
/companies vendor_count sku_vendor_count
/companies average_price sku_average_price
/skus product_url sku_url
/skus product_id sku_id
/skus product_name sku_name
/skus product_handle sku_handle
/skus product_published_at sku_published_at
/skus product_created_at sku_created_at
/skus product_updated_at sku_updated_at
/skus vendor sku_vendor
/skus product_type sku_type
/skus tags categories
/skus images image_links
/skus product_digital is_digital
/skus product_taxable is_taxable
/skus product_weight sku_weight
/skus product_price sku_price
/skus highest_price variant_highest_price
/skus variants variant_count
  • Fixed a pair of bugs that caused returned field names to differ slightly than accepted input field names
  • The /skus endpoint now supports querying on the url of the product itself (&
  • The /skus endpoint now supports querying on the on both sku_type and categories fields (&category=shoes&exact=False)
  • Added support for Run In Postman button (in the Example Queries docs) to download a Postman Collection of ~30 common queries

1.6.5 - January 28, 2021

  • Initial release of the fields parameter

1.6.4 - January 26, 2021

  • Initial release of sku_average_price, sku_vendor_count, sku_count fields, representing aggregate metrics for stores in the /companies dataset
  • Reprocessed Shopify Store data to subdivide into Shopify (active store), Shopify Holding Page (before setting up shop), Shopify Coming Soon Page, and Shopify Password Protected Page
  • Rolled out a pair of bugfixes for edge cases relating to large request sizes

1.6.3 - January 25, 2021

  • Initial release of the /quota endpoint
  • Successful API responses now include the X-SOURCESTACK-CREDITS-REMAINING header

1.6.2 - January 22, 2021

  • Initial release of app_urls field
  • Refactored strict param to be called exact instead. Backward compatibility will be maintained.

1.6.1 - January 21, 2021

  • Significantly improved latency on the /companies endpoint
  • Fixed an edge case where duplicate companies were being returned

1.6.0 - January 15, 2021

  • Initial release of the /jobs endpoint
  • Initial release of corresponding [job_name, job_location, hours, department, seniority, education, remote, company_name, company_description, company_url, post_url, last_indexed, last_modified, posted_at, tags_matched, tag_categories, categories, page_size, language] fields

1.5.9 - January 9, 2021

  • Improved data coverage of last_modified field
  • Standardized and improved readability of several SKU fields
  • Added detection support for a substantial number of new shop apps

1.5.8 - January 6, 2021

  • Initial release of contact_url, about_url, and docs_url fields
  • Improved data coverage of currencies field
  • Removed some product categories that were largely duplicative of others

1.5.7 - January 4, 2021

  • Initial release of alexa_rank, majestic_rank, umbrella_rank fields

1.5.6 - January 2, 2021

  • Added support for Magento themes

1.5.5 - December 30, 2020

  • Initial release of jobs_url, facebook_url, tiktok_url, and currencies fields

1.5.4 - December 28, 2020

  • Improved preprocessing agent; some queries should be 20-30% faster now
  • Significantly improved latency on the /skus endpoint

1.5.3 - December 26, 2020

  • Added support for Wordpress themes

1.5.2 - December 23, 2020

  • Significantly expanded coverage of Shopify apps
  • Initial release of theme_id, theme_name, and theme_parent_id fields
  • Added support for Shopify themes via above fields

1.5.1 - December 20, 2020

  • fixed an edge case where some large queries would return duplicate rows

1.5.0 - December 17, 2020

  • Rebuilt categorization engine, adding 59 new company categories. As of writing, there are 157 company categories live.
  • Implemented a data preprocessing agent to improve query speed. Some categories of queries should experience up to 7x faster responses!

1.4.4 - December 14, 2020

  • Initial release of domain, pricing_url, pinterest_url, facebook_page_id, and facebook_admin_ids fields

1.4.3 - December 12, 2020

  • Added a number of Cart, Payment, and Paid Social Ad Platforms products
  • Improved the UX and query latency of url= search parameter calls

1.4.2 - December 10, 2020

  • Standardized language values across all rows

1.4.1 - December 9, 2020

  • Made a series of changes to deduplicate products and update their parent company (e.g. for products where the company was acquired)
  • Made a handful of minor tweaks that will serve to hedge false positive tag application rate

1.4.0 - December 7, 2020

  • Initial release of /skus endpoint
  • Increased the service limit for export=gsheet from 50,000 to 100,000

1.3.6 - December 5, 2020

  • Made significant improvements to query speeds across larger results
  • API calls timing out should accordingly decrease significantly

1.3.5 - December 3, 2020

  • Added support for case-insensitive queries on uses_product, uses_category, and category (other params already support it)
  • Added support for strict=False on /companies?uses_product
  • Enabled querying on SaaS vendor specific Holding Pages, for example: "Shopify Holding Page"

1.3.4 - December 1, 2020

  • A search query without a value now returns 422 with a specific message, rather than previous generic 500
  • API Docs now refer to X-API-KEY, rather than x-api-key. Headers in a HTTP request are case-insensitive, so this should not affect anyone.

1.3.3 - November 29, 2020

  • Fixed a parsing bug that caused some product tags to not be applied (false negatives)
  • Implemented a check to prevent CAPTCHA'd sites that returned 200 codes from being added to the queryable DB

1.3.2 - November 28, 2020

  • Added detection for Shopify 'coming soon' parking pages
  • Added a broader selection of Cart products
  • Initial release of language parameter

1.3.1 - November 27, 2020

  • Initial release of uses_category parameter
  • Implemented burst and overall rate limiting

1.3.0 - November 26, 2020

  • Responses that formerly returned a 204 for "no rows" now return 200 instead, as Postman won't display any returned keys with a 204 code
  • 202 will be returned in all cases where a link is generated; previously only fallback exports got a modified code (formerly 206)

1.2.7 - November 25, 2020

  • Responses that formerly returned a 404 for "no rows" now return 204 instead, indicating that 0 rows were successfully found
  • Implemented a fix to 204 code responses not returning data key:value (now returns empty list)

1.2.6 - November 19, 2020

  • Updated s3_csv and gsheet export options to dynamically share access permissions for the resources with the caller

1.2.5 - November 16, 2020

  • Added strict=False option on search_param url

1.2.4 - November 13, 2020

  • Standardized message response key:value across all responses
  • Standardized entry_count response key:value across 200 and 202 responses

1.2.3 - November 10, 2020

  • Initial release of uses_product parameter
  • Implemented fallbacks for the export parameter, where the returned row volume is not feasible in the specified export option

1.2.2 - November 8, 2020

  • Initial release of parent parameter

1.2.1 - November 5, 2020

  • Initial release of category parameter

1.2.0 - November 3, 2020

  • Initial release of export parameter
  • Implemented service export limits for the options available in the export parameter

1.1.2 - November 1, 2020

  • Initial release of count_only parameter
  • Fixed a pair of edge cases related to parameter permutations

1.1.1 - October 30, 2020

  • Initial release of name and url parameters

1.1.0 - October 29, 2020

  • Initial release of /companies endpoint

1.0.0 - October 21, 2020

  • Initial release of /products endpoint